It’s pretty obvious when what you’re doing just isn’t for you- I felt that way for before finally taking the plunge and going out on my own. That’s why I’m sending these entrepreneurial ideas out twice daily- they’re a reminder that taking control of your life is possible.
I’m trying to help people live the lives they want and, you know what? I have so many ideas in my head, but I never do anything with them. So why not just let them out?
When something is niche, it has all the potential in the world. And believe it or not, Bitcoin is still that. An entrepreneurial startup exists here, and you can take advantage of that. To start a business in this idea alone lends itself to so many possibilities.
Most have heard of bitcoin in some capacity, but not many mainstream people really understand it. Fortunately for us, that means we get to replicate what already exists in parallel industries, but make it Bitcoin-centric, with you as the entrepreneur behind it!
The Bitcoin Community
You could probably best describe a group of bitcoiners as a group of Philly fans. Ruthlessly dedicated to their beliefs. Sorry, I’m biased. What you as an entrepreneur can do is recognize that, and create a physical space, a lounge, for that.
Those who are involved in Bitcoin are self-driven. They will buy from bitcoin merchants over those who don’t accept bitcoin. They will seek out to support those who support bitcoin. You, if you support bitcoin, can use this to your advantage in building out this idea. Your marketing is done for you, as bitcoiners are typically promoting bitcoin businesses or startups for free.
BUT. Don’t try to act like you are in the know about Bitcoin, without doing your research. I mean this in the strongest sense of the word.
People will see it from 21 million miles away. If you are interested in learning more about bitcoin, I’d suggest checking out this site. I’ll also sprinkle some other resources throughout the article.
Introducing: The Bitcoin Lounge
The Bitcoin Lounge is simple, but may require some up-front capital. Maybe friends or family could contribute. Or you could think of renting out a smaller space to start with.
The idea behind this is to that of a cigar lounge, and with that model you can do so much. A few quick insights:
- There are a group of bitcoiners who like the idea of buying things in person, rather than having to buy online, for the reason of avoiding data hacks, which seems to inevitably happen to every company. For this, you could sell physical products like hardware wallets. I’m going a little down the rabbit hole on this, but just know that there’s some who prefer in-store purchases, which you could do.
- Education around bitcoin is a hard thing to approach, often as there is so much information out there that paralysis by analysis may occur. Use the bitcoin lounge for this. Invite speakers or locals who know Bitcoin well who can speak. This way you can get an audience, too.
- As an entrepreneur, you may see other areas to take advantage of. This could include a trading room, where a big screen is set up with charts for a trading community.
- The popular bitcoin areas at this point in time where you already have a large community of bitcoiners living are Austin, Texas, and Nashville, Tennesse.
There are lots of areas to expand within this model. If struggling to come up with some ideas, why not check out a local cigar lounge and see if you can find some similarities? You can even do a yearly membership like some cigar shops will do.
As a startup entrepreneur, it is important that you dive deep into the bitcoin community if you’re not already involved. I would say this is absolutely priority number one. That can be done via their subreddit, or through additional podcasts. I would recommend What Bitcoin Did as a great starter podcast.
Fun fact: Worried about security? Learn about the option to use a “multi-sig” wallet that has multiple people (owners) who hold the keys “password” to access the bitcoin profits from your store. Here is some additional bitcoin education.
This is an idea I’ve dreamt of supporting or making. If you do move forward with it, I’d love to hear about it, and would be especially honored to feature it.
Remember, you, as the entrepreneur, hodl the keys to your next steps. If you really want to pursue something and have time freedom, you will give up the things that distract you from that goal. Think of it as minimalism of distractions.
Finally, my ideas are delivered 2x daily. If you’ve made it this far, you should probably just go ahead and follow. See if any of these entrepreneurial ideas sparks your interest!