⑥ I saw a need for a hobby homes business, but never acted on it | 2x Daily Entrepreneur Ideas

3 min readDec 24, 2022


I am sure you can all relate to this one. I found myself wanting to pursue an old hobby of mine during the pandemic. It was something I had done back when I was in college, and loved immensely.

Loved in the sense that I either thought I was becoming enlightened with my practice of patience on the pottery-throwing wheel, or ready to smash my clay as I couldn’t get it to how I envisioned it in my head.


What I’m sure you can relate to is the wanting to take on a hobby. Here’s where the idea came about.


As someone who was looking into transitioning to being an entrepreneur, I had many business ideas, but was unable to act on any of it. It was either paralysis by analysis stopping me, or finances.

First, I tried to find open studios for pottery nearby. For those of us not living in a city, it’s surprising how little opportunity there is to do this. The not-so-creative, but practical business idea would be to open a pottery studio.

The fun small business turned parabolic creative business idea here is to do more.

So I went a little meta.

We can all agree that everything is getting more expensive right now. This isn’t an economics blog, though. It’s a blog set up to give you, the entrepreneur, an out, to your current job.

Introducing: The Hobby House

There are so many hobbies out there these days. Seriously, I find lists of hobbies 100+ online, and end up feeling like my hobby is to browse hobbies. Okay, too meta.

Some hobbies are very expensive to start with. There is an opportunity for a creative business idea here, though. To take advantage of the trend towards exploring new hobbies and acknowledge the trend of everything becoming more expensive, we should aim to knock down barriers for ourselves and others.

Owning or renting a piece of property, and having each room be dedicated to that specific craft is the name of the game. An entrepreneur of all varieties could seek to rent out your rooms. That’s not your only target audience, though.

It is also for those that want to try something they haven’t done in years (me), or those curious to try things in general (also me), but not have to try and buy a $400 wheel.


You can potentially open your own hobby house with a store that sells peoples’ work to attract other people, as a marketing tool. If nothing else, and you’re into hobbies, you have your own space to develop your craft if business is slow.

This is a space for the curious, and can be marketed as such. Who hasn’t wanted to take on a hobby but quickly realizes they don’t have the proper equipment to do so?

Please, if anyone does this, let me know. I may or may not spend a month there.


Charging could be per hour for using said space, allowing for people to experiment with what they may enjoy without breaking the bank. Or a membership. Or by each piece made. You get the idea, a lot of room to work with, so to speak.

Get to know me

Hey, I’m Warren 👋

OS in my name means opensource, or operating system, depending on the day.

Here is the way I operate and how I write:

  1. Knowing myself is my number one priority. This is where I can produce the most good.
  2. Finding the absolute truths in things.
  3. Intuitively feeling vs intellectualizing.
  4. Making overly vague comments ( I will bore you with essays on the above, if you ask!).
  5. Battling narratives that keep people stuck. X person “made it,” and here is how — vs (open source part) X person “made it,” and here are the difficulties they faced to get there. I’ve gotten stuck with comparing my reality to the fictional story of how someone made it, becoming paralyzed with my reality not matching up. Let’s be open and honest.
  6. Pet peeve of seeing businesses / people not being genuine. Doing things for “the quick buck,” or the posturing vs. truly providing value to someone.
  7. And lastly, of course, sticking it to the man.

Check in to see continuing ideas on a daily basis!




Written by warren

my name literally means rabbit hole.

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