⑧ A two-fold paying dream journal — getting paid twice in a saturated market by standing out | 2x Daily Entrepreneur Ideas

4 min readDec 25, 2022


How many times have I gone on an overly vague website to find out what that weird monster in my dream meant? An embarrassing amount. The worst part?

I usually never believe what they have to say, but I find myself looking anyway. Why is that?

Dreams are weird. Really, super weird.

There are those who have used their dreaming for art, like Salvador Dali, who used the hypnagogic state to inspire his art. Or, psychologists like Carl Jung, who believed dreams were a window to the unconscious. Or what about lucid dreaming for those who attempt to control their dreams?

Do you know what they all had in common? They used some version of a dream journal.

Beyond dreams being weird, they’re mysterious, and so fascinating.


Entrepreneurs have flooded the dream journal market. The business idea comes down to copy and pasting a template for a dream journal, and posting it online. Unfortunately, we’re late to the game on that business idea.

Try searching for a dream journal on Amazon. Do you know why there is so much competition when it comes to selling dream journals?

They’re easy. And low-risk.

Which means you have to somehow differentiate yourself if you want to compete in that market, and this business idea allows you to do exactly that.

Introducing: Dream Journal Analyzer

Create a dream journal that provides a template on each page to detail a dream someone had each night. Sell it on Amazon KDP for the ability to let it become passive income.


This is the business idea pivot that leads to a creative twist.

Create a website via Ghost or Medium (all free), or another service that gives you the opportunity to advertise. Describe that your dream journal also guarantees analysis of entries should someone want that for themselves. You could also describe via the Amazon description that yours promises to be analyzed once it is done, and price that into the selling. A few different options here.

Fill out your dream journal, and send it in. We analyze it, create a full report, and send it back.

Play up the idea that the person who had the dream has a hard time analyzing it, because of the bias of the person. That it helps to have an objective participant.

You or others more versed in the psychological / dream field may be able to give your insight into someone’s dreams. This is a low-risk business idea as the material to create a dream journal is free via Amazon, and even if they don’t want to send in their dream journals, you can still profit passively from the initial business idea.


Always remember to try to take the mindset that you are creating this for yourself or for a close friend. It will help you to have a more personalized product.

Be transparent.

Find a way to offer anonymity to their sending said dream journal in. Most people don’t want to confess their weird dreams unless they know they won’t be judged, especially to a startup with strangers. Market the service by finding flaws in your own attempts to understand your dreams through vague websites that are out there. Go to YouTube comments section of “dream experts” and see the negative feedback and strive to do the opposite. Be genuine.

Get to know me

Hey, I’m Warren 👋

OS in my name means opensource, or operating system, depending on the day.

Here is the way I operate and how I write:

  1. Knowing myself is my number one priority. This is where I can produce the most good.
  2. Finding the absolute truths in things.
  3. Intuitively feeling vs intellectualizing.
  4. Making overly vague comments ( I will bore you with essays on the above, if you ask!).
  5. Battling narratives that keep people stuck. X person “made it,” and here is how — vs (open source part) X person “made it,” and here are the difficulties they faced to get there. I’ve gotten stuck with comparing my reality to the fictional story of how someone made it, becoming paralyzed with my reality not matching up. Let’s be open and honest.
  6. Pet peeve of seeing businesses / people not being genuine. Doing things for “the quick buck,” or the posturing vs. truly providing value to someone.
  7. And lastly, of course, sticking it to the man.

If you made it this far, you should probably just go ahead and follow.

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Written by warren

my name literally means rabbit hole.

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